23/06/22 Bird & Frog survey: Yellingbo

Notes from: a Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater hosted citizen science event.
The frogs were quiet today and the birds weren't vocalising much, but despite that, we came away having seen 35 species of birds. The tracks were wet after so much rain in the region lately, and the skies overcast for most of the morning, but it was still and dry. As we sat down to enjoy lunch together, the blue skies peaked through. As Wendy said, "it's great to be out in the bush in winter!" The highlight for all of us were three Varied Sittellas finding food under the bark of the Eucalypts, two Bassian Thrush picking their way through the leaf litter just ahead of us on the track, and ... one partridge in a pear tree? No! One Powerful Owl sitting proudly in the Blackwood hanging onto dinner, a Ringtail Possum. As Ron said, it was "another enjoyable and relaxing day out with a really good group of people."

הועלה ב-יוני 22, 2022 07:48 אחה"צ על ידי regnans regnans


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