Save a Dragonfly Nursery

save a dragonfly nursery

Right now, young dragonflies are growing up in wetlands across Canada. A single female dragonfly can lay thousands of eggs in a wetland—which can take months or even years to become adults.

For dragonfly eggs and larvae, that wetland is their entire world. And when it’s destroyed? Her offspring are lost, along with every generation that should follow.

Here’s where you come in. When you donate just $50 or more, you can save habitat that will be home to countless generations of emerging dragonflies long into the future, along with hundreds of other wildlife species.

Act now to save a dragonfly nursery.

הועלה ב-יוני 14, 2022 08:10 אחה"צ על ידי e_ouimet e_ouimet


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