Magical Moments

On occasion, there are magical moments in life: a beautiful sunset; a comforting moment; a relaxing cup of tea; a reunion with an old friend. They don’t happen all the time, but that’s what makes them magical.

Canada Goose
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 32279662 - Canada Goose; Walton County, Georgia. February 14, 2017.

Early one morning I was behind the animal shelter to shoot some dog adoption photos. A golden sunrise was hitting the ripples on the water of the retention pond. The warm orange glow of the sun reflected off the deep blue water in a harmony of natural, complementary colors. And almost as if beckoned, a family of Canada Geese gracefully cut across the water within the scene. Everything blazed orange in the rising rays of the sun. I’ve walked past this same scene many times. But on this occasion, it was a “magical moment” and I just happened to be there.

Often, these magical moments may seem spontaneous or appear of their own accord. But can we, as photographers, help create these magical moments? We sure can! We can increase our chances of capturing a magical moment by being conscious of time and location. Be there for the “golden hour”. Sunrise and sunset times can be found easily on our smart phones. A compass on the same phone can even let us know the direction of the sun as it hits the horizon. If you walk the same area or park often, don’t let it become common and unnoticed. Think how a particular patch of woods, or pond, or trail would look under different light or conditions. Magical moments are magical, but we can have a hand in bringing them to pass!

הועלה ב-פברואר 14, 2022 07:39 אחה"צ על ידי williamwisephoto williamwisephoto




אווז קנדי (Branta canadensis)




פברואר 14, 2017 08:11 לפנה"צ EST


February, 2017 nature journal entry. ​
Canada Geese in the sunrise on a blue pond; Walton County, Georgia

Tuesday, 8:14 AM - A golden sunrise was hitting the blue waters of the retention pond. As I was photographing one of the animal shelter dogs, a family of Canada Geese was gracefully cutting across the water behind him. Everything blazed orange in the rising rays of the sun.


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