It is as easy as 1-2-3!

The Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. think that the City of Saskatoon and the Meewasin Valley Authority had a great idea here in Saskatoon to compile a natural inventory database. You cannot protect what you do not know, and that is true for everywhere!

Remember to record through the iNaturalist app any living organism, plants, mushrooms, insects and wildlife observations. And we can use your help during the event and afterwards to help identify what was found. The Canadian City Nature Challenge hosts, CWF have created a guide to help you along the way.

Check back often to see how the City of Saskatoon and area is making out during the City Nature Challenge April 29-May 2, 2022. Identifications May 3-May 8 with the winner(s) of the three categories announced on May 9, 2022

הועלה ב-פברואר 7, 2022 01:45 לפנה"צ על ידי saskatoonafforestationareas saskatoonafforestationareas


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