Join us Saturday!

There's still time to join us to Blitz the Bay in Malibu Lagoon this Saturday! Register in advance and join us to discover local biodiversity.

-Heal the Bay

הועלה ב-אפריל 28, 2016 09:58 אחה"צ על ידי healthebay healthebay


75 observations, 54 species, and a raffle win. Looks like I did alright for dragging two toddlers around the wetlands.

פורסם על-ידי glmory לפני יותר מ 8 שנים

Wow! What a day! We have an event at Ballona Wetlands on May 14th if you're interested in joining. We were happy to have your blitzing experience at the Malibu Lagoon event.

פורסם על-ידי healthebay לפני יותר מ 8 שנים

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