South section - 01/25/2022

Tuesday, 9:15-11:50 on live newts, 13 dead newts
Weather: very cold, then nice.
Coverage: from Aldercroft Heights Rd intersection to the second stop sign.
Newts: 13 dead newts, some very fresh. One of them was found on the lake side of the road, 12 on the hill side. No juveniles.
Other roadkills: millipedes, earthworms, Jerusalem crickets.
A large group of turkeys were walking on the road near my parking spot. Many other birds along the road, including flickers, hawks, acorn woodpeckers.
Traffic: 11 trucks (many county roads trucks and vans), 12 cars (including midpen), no pedestrian, 3 bikes, 7 parked cars.
My observations of the day -
Saw my first Hound's Tongue today!
I went down Soda Spring, and saw 2 newts by the large culvert, and 6 more in the little creek,going out of the culvert, in a quiet area. It was nice watching them swim and interact. I saw one egg mass. I wonder how long the creek is going to be there...

הועלה ב-ינואר 25, 2022 09:40 אחה"צ על ידי merav merav


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