North Section - 12/7/2021

Covered the North section
Weather: Cold and foggy, had lightly rained the night before
27 dead newts (one found dying which was really sad, it was also off to the side of the road so it almost made it)
Also found one dead Jerusalem cricket
7 pickups
15 cars
7 trucks
2 bikes
1 dude on an electric standing scooter

הועלה ב-דצמבר 7, 2021 11:18 אחה"צ על ידי monicarichards monicarichards


@monicarichards, do you remember the time you spent on the survey? It's not recorded in the journal notes and all your photos for this day have the same timestamp. Please let me know so I can include this info in the stats for the season. Thanks.

פורסם על-ידי truthseqr לפני יותר מ 2 שנים

I walk pretty fast so if there was only 27 newts I would say it took two hours.

פורסם על-ידי monicarichards לפני יותר מ 2 שנים

@monicarichards, thanks!

פורסם על-ידי truthseqr לפני יותר מ 2 שנים

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