
Often when I am taking observations, the "where" is more important to me than the what.

Often when I am observing, I also don't know where I am. I don't have cellphone service, and so I don't have a GPS, so I just go by landmarks. A lot of times, that is really easy and obvious, especially with familiar places. Other times, it is more difficult. When I am out riding my bicycle, I seem to have a clear idea of where I am, but when I come back home---it can kind of be a blur. I try to take "landmarking" photos on the way. On my latest trip, I didn't even take them of the "County Line" markers, which would have been very helpful.

I often end up looking for incidental features of photos that I take, and then comparing them against Google Maps streetview photos. Scrolling up and down until I get the exact location...and then, after I have spent my time doing that, labeling it as a "Flowering Plant" and moving on. And often, finding the right location is not that important. Whether a dandelion was growing on Maple Lane or Oak Way doesn't really matter too much for this site's broad goals. And yet, in my own observations, I want to be very correct about where things go.

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 15, 2021 08:09 לפנה"צ על ידי mnharris mnharris






ספטמבר 10, 2021 04:33 אחה"צ HST


There's much to be said for accurate locations and dates.

פורסם על-ידי sedgequeen לפני כמעט 3 שנים

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