Find your Frog!

The South African Frog Atlas is being updated! We need your help by reporting your frog sightings. By better understanding where species are, we are better able to protect them and direct conservation efforts to where they are needed most. The 'Find your Frog’ Bioblitz will be accepting contributions during March. Photograph them, upload the details here and share your records to social media using #FindYourFrog you could win a R1000 & other spot froggy prizes.

הועלה ב-מרץ 5, 2021 12:19 אחה"צ על ידי alexanderr alexanderr


@alexanderr, would it matter if I observed frogs, e.g. at the end of last month (February)? Or do observations in the month of March apply only?

פורסם על-ידי dinofelis לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

@capeleopard: It is based on the date observed, so unfortunately it will not be added to the project (but the data is still just as valuable).

פורסם על-ידי alexanderr לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

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