Can you find 100 Species?

Can you find 100 species of herps in one year? Last year only four people topped the 100 species mark, you can see the leaderboard here:[]=herps-of-texas&d1=2014-01-01&d2=2014-12-31

Several people are within reach this year, but only two have crossed the 100 species mark so far this year. Check out how many species you have logged on Herps of Texas so far this year here:[]=herps-of-texas&d1=2015-01-01&d2=2015-12-31

And by the way, is Conner Adams going to dominate again this year?

הועלה ב-אוקטובר 8, 2015 08:04 אחה"צ על ידי cullen cullen


I'm guessing that most people didn't know that there would be another big year challenge. I actually found a bunch of the rarer stuff that was missed last year, so I could have caused Connor some minor irritation.

פורסם על-ידי kucycads לפני כמעט 9 שנים

Should have told us a few months ago! I'm at 59, but have 30 here in the Houston area that are relatively easy I can still get, most I've seen and just haven't taken photos of. I'll give 100 a shot though!

פורסם על-ידי ashleytwahlberg לפני כמעט 9 שנים

I'm sorry I didn't promote it more, but I did send out a journal post earlier this year. You still have plenty of time, and I think Conner is resting on his laurels.....

BTW, there will be a big year in 2016, so I hope you can cause him some major irritation next year!

פורסם על-ידי cullen לפני כמעט 9 שנים

I'll try for 50 this year. As for 2016, bring it on....

פורסם על-ידי kucycads לפני כמעט 9 שנים

I love the challenge! Will you report at the end of this year?

פורסם על-ידי carrieseltzer לפני כמעט 9 שנים

I can't compete :(

Will the county challenge be set up for 2016 as well?

פורסם על-ידי toby לפני כמעט 9 שנים

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