Sunday 2/28/2021 - north and south sides

Sunday 8:00-12:10 pm: 15 new dead newts, no live newt!
I walked with Ross.
Weather - sunny. Cold at first, then warm. No rain. Rain MTD 0.77 in, YTD 9.74 in per
I documented a total of 15 new dead newts on the entire road, 1 of them was a juvenile. All were dry, most of them already detached.

Other roadkills: one moth and one caterpillar, millipede, spider, bee.
Coverage: from the parking lot to Aldercroft.
North section: 49 cars, 3 motorcycles, 20 bikes, 61 pedestrians, and 117 cars parked by the road and in the parking lots (7 in the farther lot).
South side: 26 cars, 27 bikes, 11 pedestrians, and 5 cars parked by the road.
I haven't seen the HTH team.
A link to my observations -

הועלה ב-מרץ 1, 2021 06:17 לפנה"צ על ידי merav merav


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