Welcome To The Penn Bird Strikes Project

The Penn Bird Strikes Project: What To Do If You Find A Bird:

Step 1) Document it! Take as many photos of the bird from as many angles as you can. This will help with the identification of the bird. Please include photos showing where the bird was found in relation to the building or windows it may have hit.

Create an account on iNaturalist.org and join the Penn Bird Strikes Project


Add your observation by adding your photos, placing a point on the map, and the following information:

Species of Bird (If Known)
Location (Outside of Which Building or Address – as much detail as possible. )
Date/Time you found the bird

Please email Joe Durrance to let him know you have added a new observation. At josephdurrance@gmail.com

Step 2) Collect it! We would like to collect the birds found during this project at donate them the collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences. If you feel comfortable collecting the bird, put the bird in a plastic ziploc bag (turn bag inside-out to pick up the bird, and then turn it around to seal and close the bag with the bird inside.) Please include a piece of paper inside the bag that has the following information.

Species of Bird (If Known)
Location (Outside of Which Building or Address – as much detail as possible.)
Date/Time you found the bird
Your name and contact information

If you do not feel comfortable handling the dead bird, you can pick it without touching by turning the sandwich ziploc bag inside-out to pick up the bird, and then turn it around to seal and close the bag with the bird inside. If you would prefer not to touch the bird at all, please contact me at josephdurrance@gmail.com, and I will go to the site and collect it.

Step 3) After putting the bird in a bag, if you have a place to freeze the bird, put it in the freezer, until arrangements can be made for me to pick it up.

Thank you,
Joe Durrance
Penn Bird Strikes Project

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 17, 2015 05:59 אחה"צ על ידי j-naturalist j-naturalist


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