Zhaoheng NI's journal entry

I chose phragmites australis, which is usually called reed.

It is found in rivers and lakes, along the banks of ponds and ditches. They are splendid in low wetlands and various open areas with water sources. Due to its strong reproductive capacity, it usually grows in patches.

The reed is tall, making it easy for the top leaves to contact sunlight for photosynthesis. The leaves, leaf sheaths, stems, rhizomes and adventitious roots of phragmites australis all have aerenchyma, which can promote the gas and water circulation of roots and ensure adequate nutrition.
Adventitious roots have the function of enlarging the absorption area of plants and enhancing the fixation or support of plants.

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 23, 2020 09:54 לפנה"צ על ידי zhaohengni zhaohengni


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