Guest posts on their way + update!

We've got 80+ classes registered now on and so should be getting a slew of new images on twitter and here on INaturalist in the coming days so keep your eyes peeled for kids looking for ID help!

I also just recently made a few real all stars of the project managers so they could share some of their unique perspectives and passions with you all - keep an eye on the project journals here to learn more soon!

A huge thanks to the over 110 people already part of the project - it's been so thrilling seeing your contributions from 6 countries over the last week and I'm so excited to see more through the rest of the month. As many of you will know from my direct messages, we'll be blasting this out again in May and hoping to make it the largest INaturalist project in the world. The more enthusiastic nature lovers there are the better we'll be able to join together to help conserve wild habitats and species everywhere.

Feel free to get in touch at if you have any questions or ideas on how to make this even more engaging! Till then have a lovely rest of the day and get out there in pursuit of amazing wildlife!

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 8, 2020 07:30 אחה"צ על ידי jessehildebrand jessehildebrand


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