Herpetological Association of Africa (HAA) Challenges:

In the 74th African Herp News (AHN) of August 2020 the HAA promoted citizen science platforms such as iNaturalist, and introduced a series of challenges to encourage members to contribute their records. The most novel and exciting records from the reporting period are to be selected and featured in future AHN publications.

Please join the following projects if you would like to contribute or check out the progress of these challenges. We also encourage users to help confirm species identifications within these projects.

Challenge 1:
New records Jalla’s Sand Snake (Psammophis jallae)

Challenge 2:
Herpetofauna of the southern Drakensberg and adjacent Lesotho

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 1, 2020 05:01 לפנה"צ על ידי alexanderr alexanderr


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