Topanga State Park 8/13/20

Today I visited Topanga State Park...or tried anyway. When I arrived the street was jammed with more cars than I’ve ever seen for a fairly early weekday. I’m finding trails are busier than ever...which is not a welcoming sight to me. I ended up going back down Entrada and parking in the little dirt lot that has a trail that meets up with the dead horse trail. Unfortunately I really couldn’t handle the extreme humidity and the constant gnats following me around.

Consequently I didn’t go far and didn’t stay long. In keeping with one of my purposes for this journal, I am trying to highlight at least one find I make each time I’m out. I didn’t find anything spectacular, but I did find one sort of interesting insect which I’ve included below. I’m still trying to research it but I don’t think I’ve seen one like this before though the angle is not ideal.

I also thought I’d highlight one more insect from my visit to Santa Ynez canyon yesterday which was new to me. Incredibly small, there were actually a pair of these gall wasp parasitoid insects sitting on top of the gall. They’re pretty cool looking insects.

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 14, 2020 04:22 לפנה"צ על ידי naturephotosuze naturephotosuze






אוגוסט 12, 2020 11:00 לפנה"צ PDT


Santa Ynez Canyon
These were on top of this oak gall. It seems that these can be parasites on the gall wasps but I don't really know anything about them. They are pretty cool looking though even though they were very small





אוגוסט 13, 2020 08:45 לפנה"צ PDT


Topanga State Park


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