Awesome infographics!

It sure is fun trying to find ways to encourage kids to take part! Unfortunately I can't share all of them here, but you can check out @scijesse or @ebtsoyp to see a bevy of fun infographics meant to inspire action for the BackyardBio campaign!

From simple "how to take part" ones to "how to take a great nature photo" (complete with Rudy the delightful squirrel!), "backyardbio all stars" featuring some top notch young naturalists, "tools for nature connection" highlighting some wicked cool ways to learn more and more!

Keep your eyes peeled on twitter and on the EBTSOYP newsletter for more as they come out! Looking very forward to getting you and your little ones out engaged with the natural world!

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 4, 2020 02:34 אחה"צ על ידי jessehildebrand jessehildebrand


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