Friday, July 24th: Weekly Highlights

Hello nature lovers,

Thank you for participating in New Jersey Audubon's summer camp quests! This iNaturalist project is a chance for us to share our nature observations with each other and complete fun challenges. All of the challenges are listed in the project description.

Each Friday, some of the most interesting observations will be highlighted here in the project journal. At the end of the summer, "winners" will be announced for each challenge. So get outside and start snapping some awesome photos! Remember, you don't have to know the name of the plant or animal you are observing. The iNaturalist app and other users can help with identification!

Highlights from this week:
-naturalistanne observed a beautiful bird, the American Goldfinch! This bright yellow bird is the state bird of New Jersey and our summer quest mascot, Goldy.
-fungilady made an excellent observations of a crazy critter that swims or floats! A Common Water Strider has tiny hairs on its legs that help it walk across the surface of water. Learn more about water striders in the Crazy Crawling Critters workbook.

We can't wait to see what you observe this week!

הועלה ב-יולי 24, 2020 04:05 אחה"צ על ידי emily-reed emily-reed


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