BackyardBio gets off the ground!

Hi everyone!

I'm Jesse Hildebrand from Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants and I'm really excited to announce the BackyardBio project today!

What began as a smattering of loose ideas turned into a really fun and engaging social media campaign as part of our Global Biodiversity Festival back in May ( - #backyardbio) has turned into a much larger idea.

A huge part of that is thanks to four incredible teachers - Ms Hartman, Ms Michael, Ms Gordon and Ms. Erickson who brought together their students in observing and charting all the incredible wildlife in Ontario, Illinois, British Columbia and Connecticut respectively as part of our pilot project in June. You can check out the Youtube video where we showcased all their finds here:

As a result, all September longer we're inviting YOU to take part in a global bio blitz, bringing together all our partner organizations, their networks and most importantly classrooms around the world we've partnered with on our live broadcasts to get out in nature and explore! We're hoping for tens of thousands of submissions worldwide, all in support of learn more about the natural world and how people can better connect with it!

I can't wait to see what you'll share with us as the school year kicks off - and till then good luck and have fun!


הועלה ב-יולי 15, 2020 07:30 אחה"צ על ידי jessehildebrand jessehildebrand


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