Event update: 400+ species, 11 countries

So far, 14 observers have submitted over 650 observations from 11 countries. Over 400 of Earth's species are represented in this small sample, which will increase rapidly throughout the day. Taking a break from observing today? Connect with others around the world by sending an iNaturalist message inviting them to add their observations to the bioblitz!

In Fiji, where midnight and the end of their bioblitz period is just 30 minutes away, @birdexplorers found a variety of marine creatures. Recently submitted observations of theirs include a Peppered Moray, Richardson's Moray, Threespot Wrasse, and Pacific Land Crab. Many of us in land-locked locations will not be finding these, or any other marine species today!

הועלה ב-יוני 14, 2020 11:30 לפנה"צ על ידי slamonde slamonde


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