Follow on from April, where the City Nature Challenge brought in almost twice as many new observers as a typical month, this month was a return to a more average 72 new observers in SA. The total observers in SA now stands at 1,975.
Many new observers have continued to contribute observation follow on from the City Nature Challenge. This month there were 277 individual observers, almost as many as there was last month which included the challenge.
Observations of Fungi are featuring heavily this year and especially this month. In May 2019 there were 64 Fungi observations. This May there have been 783 observations from 113 observers! Fungi even exceeded Bird observations this month.
Top 10 observers for the month: cobaltducks (758), davidsando (726), davemmdave (382), mtank (187), stephen169 (175), craigpolkinghorne (172), mendacott (140), basket_case (137), streglystendec (124) & belindacopland (96)
Top 10 identifiers of observations in SA for the month: cobaltducks (542), thebeachcomber (530), alan_dandie (500), ellurasanctuary (397), reiner (240), rfoster (169), rwl (164), alisonwalker (148), stephen169 (146) & konan_farrelly (110)
(Data used for this post taken on the 4th of June. It excludes any observations from May that were uploaded after this date)
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