City Nature Challenge 2019

Hey iNaturalists!

As we move into 2019, we wanted to give everyone an alert about the upcoming 2019 City Nature Challenge. If you participated in the 2018 City Nature Challenge, thank you and we hope to see you again this year; if you haven't heard of the City Nature Challenge, get ready for an awesome week of observing and identifying biodiversity in our cities!

If you’re not familiar with it, the City Nature Challenge (CNC) is an ongoing project to document urban biodiversity and engage city residents in the nature around them. The project is conducted as a bioblitz-style competition between cities to see which can make the most observations, identify the most species, and have the most participants. The program was started in 2016 by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles and the California Academy of Sciences as a competition between Los Angeles and San Francisco. This year over 120 cities around the World are participating in the City Nature Challenge!

In Colorado there are CNC's happening in Boulder-Denver Metro Area, Colorado Springs, and Fort Collins! Get outside in any of these cities this coming April!

The dates for this year's CNC are as follows:
April 26-29: This is the time to make observations! Any observations collected within the Project boundary between 12:00am April 26 and 11:59pm April 29 will be included.

April 30-May 5: Upload any remaining observations from April 30-May 5 and start identifying everything! We can only count observation that are identified to the species level, so this is really important!

May 6: Results are announced! There will be winners for most observations, most species, and most participants.

We would love for you to help in any way that you can! Whether it’s going outside and collecting observations, sitting on you couch making IDs, or just telling your friends about CNC, it all helps! If you, your organization, or your club want to get even more involved by planning events, helping with promotion, or any other project coordination send us a message and we can coordinate further discussions!

We will post more reminders as we get closer, in the mean time, get outside and enjoy nature!
-CPW Resource Stewardship Team

הועלה ב-ינואר 16, 2019 07:10 אחה"צ על ידי coparksandwildlife coparksandwildlife


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