Thank you from Snake Days

Jeff Adams sent out a nice note to everyone involved in Snake Days. For those that missed it, the event is a great opportunity to meet some knowledgeable herpers and see some very cool reptiles and amphibians. Here is the note:

With SnakeDays 2013 behind us, we would be remiss to not extend a big THANKS to the sponsors that gave generously with their time, money, and merchandise. You are an important part of this event and we couldn’t do it without you. There was an excellent response this year with a diverse group of over 100 attendees during our lectures on Saturday. Particularly encouraging was the strong presence of Texas Parks and Wildlife field biologists and law enforcement officials.

Additionally, we were able to see tangible results from our donation to TPWD last year in the form of Texas Horned Lizard research and the Herps of Texas project through iNaturalist. Data collection is made easy through the iNaturalist app available on any smart phone. It is a simple and powerful tool that helps you record geo-located data points for any reptile or amphibian you find. This is yet another way we can do our part as citizen scientists and make the most of time spent in the field. If you haven’t checked out this project, take a few minutes and have a look.

Planning for SnakeDays 2014 is already well underway and we look forward to your continued support in the years to come. It was great to see all who made the trek to Sanderson and for those that weren’t able to be there, we hope to see you next year!

Join us for SnakeDays 2014
May 30th - June 1st 2014
Visit us at or find us on Facebook (snakedays)

הועלה ב-יולי 1, 2013 09:34 אחה"צ על ידי cullen cullen


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