Several observers have asked if it is appropriate to post images of dead herps. It sure is. Although we'd all rather see live herps than dead ones, both are potentially valuable observations. An example is Mark Sanders' recent post of a dead copperhead found entwined in nylon bird netting. Not only is this an interesting observation (cooperheads are uncommon in the area where he found it), this is an important opportunity to inform others about the threat posed by this material. Dead-on-road (DOR) observations are often more common than observations of live herps (especially snakes). All of the components of a quality observation are usually there: the location can be easily determined, specimens can be photographed and identified (they're not going anywhere, right?), and behavioral information can often be gleaned from DORs (dead frogs on roads near breeding ponds, snakes with prey in-mouth, etc). A few caveats regarding roadways: collection or handling of wildlife on roadways is illegal in most cases and a herp stamp ($10) is required to collect on right-of-ways. That said, photographing observations usually doesn't require handling or collecting. Finally, don't do anything that would put you or others in danger. There are enough DORs out there already.

הועלה ב-אפריל 23, 2013 01:56 אחה"צ על ידי andygluesenkamp andygluesenkamp


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