Game Trail Session 6

MARCH 26, 2018
LOCATION: Moved the camera to to a new location near Los Trancos Creek. I pinned the location on Google Earth. Easy to see location with an overhead view. Camera attached to upright trunk looking over horizontal trunk and looking towards the creek, not Alpine Road. Baited with Bacon fat rubbed into bark in several places and with strawberry chunks scattered along surface. First check will come midweek. Plan to leave it till end of April at this location.
37º24’64” N 122º11’32.74” W
March 29 changed storage disk; 184 photos. Dusky-footed Woodrat, 64; Virginia Opossum, 39; Western Gray Squirrel, 6; Hermit Thrush 2; , Spotted Towhee 2; Fox Squirrel, 8; Brush Rabbit 2 . Unknown bird (possible Golden-crowned Sparrow, Fox Sparrow) 3. Replaced with 32 GB storage. Saving all photos for Hadley Lab IF they want them. Also, makes it easier to spot changes when you scroll through the photos.

הועלה ב-מרץ 31, 2018 04:20 לפנה"צ על ידי bob-dodge bob-dodge


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