What is wrong with my iNat calendar???

Am I the only one waiting and waiting on my iNat calendar to load?!

I'm so used to seeing all those days marked that it took me a minute to figure out it was on 2018 now. Guess I better get cracking on some observations so I'll at least wonder why only one day is showing up. Haha!

הועלה ב-ינואר 3, 2018 04:56 אחה"צ על ידי kimberlietx kimberlietx


My New Years Resolution was to make an observation every day. That calendar needs to be covered in giant dark dots. :)

פורסם על-ידי nanofishology לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

@nanofishology That's what @sambiology did for 2017. If I were to make an iNat resolution it would be to do more IDs. I spend so much time uploading that I don't feel like I give enough back.

פורסם על-ידי kimberlietx לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

Haha! Yeah, I was inspired by @jmaughn -- he has done an observation a day for the past...5 years? I've done it for the past 2 years. It's quite fun and very relevant -- we interact with nature on a daily basis, so why not observe it too? :)

פורסם על-ידי sambiology לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

I tried to keep my ID count the same as my species count, but Malawi complicated that a bit :X

פורסם על-ידי nanofishology לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

@sambiology It's a lot easier to do an observation every day when I carry my camera with me literally everywhere. Also, I put up my bird feeders (finally) and there are usually some interesting visitors, like the swarm of 200 common grackles I had a couple days ago. Cats loved it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5cE7ameVSc

פורסם על-ידי nanofishology לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

Holy crackers that is a lot of grackles for a yard.

פורסם על-ידי kimberlietx לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

I have an old camera that I really disliked for macro. I was supposed to sell it to offset some of the cost of my latest gear, but it's still sitting in a box. I wonder if I could fit it in my purse? (My current gear requires a backpack.) Time for a bigger purse...

פורסם על-ידי kimberlietx לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

I never looked at the calendar, so I didn't know it did that. Now that I do, my competitive nature is kicking in and I want to put dots on more of those dates! I may not make it every day, but I resolve to do better this year at inputting my observations...maybe shooting for at least once a week? I take so many pictures, saying I'll upload them later, and then never get around to it. I do way more IDs than adding observations.

פורסם על-ידי naturemom לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

@naturemom On the app, if you go to Explore and click on Stats, it will show you a ranking of each user by number of observations. I've been tracking my progress through the ranks. Currently I'm in the top 80. It was fun to pass some of the super-users I have admired for a while in the rankings. :)

פורסם על-ידי nanofishology לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

You're WAY higher than #80, Alysa... That leaderboard uses ALL observations, and not just verified/verifiable. Some of those top folks just have uploaded lists of old data -- many without any evidence. So, I'd look at this list instead:

You're #60! And then when you look at just TX observations:

You're #12!!

פורסם על-ידי sambiology לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

I'm #1 in Malawi (by a bit). I went there with the goal of leaving Martin in the dust. Success!

פורסם על-ידי nanofishology לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

@naturemom Yay Diane! I'm glad you found something new to keep you challenged! I look at the calendar all. the. time. Mostly just to jump around from date to date when I know I was somewhere on a particular date.

פורסם על-ידי kimberlietx לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

@nanofishology I'll add that some of those top users have been on iNat a LONG time. If you just look at comparing observations for 2017, you are number 12 in the world! I think you've done fan-freaking-tastic!!

פורסם על-ידי kimberlietx לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

I cried a single tear of joy when I surpassed @cullen, who introduced me to BioBlitzes and iNat in 2015 (was it really that recently???)
But I won't feel truly satisfied until I pass @sambiology :P

פורסם על-ידי nanofishology לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

LOL. @cullen created several iNat monsters, so I hear. But passing Sammy Boy is going to be like trying to hit a moving target. That's a heck of challenge!

פורסם על-ידי kimberlietx לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

I’m not sure you know how competitive I am! Trick is, how will I have time for 20,000 observations this year with all the rearing, outreach projects and classes (teaching!) I have planned this year? We’ll have to see.

Watch yoir rears this City Nature Challenge :)

פורסם על-ידי nanofishology לפני יותר מ 6 שנים

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