Harvest Reaping

Today was the hottest day of 2017, with temperatures reaching 101 according to our local Weather Bug and our temperature gauges.

Yesterday and today, farmers began reaping the Sunflower crop, and the Northern Mockingbirds came out of the woodwork, so-to-speak. We probably had two dozen Mockingbirds calling to one another in our backyard, across the street, and catty-cornered from us. They were emitting all their call-types and stayed in a relative close range to one another. Interestingly, in the past several Mockingbirds in one tree could be readily observed. Tonight, each Mockingbird had its own tree; they also did not chase or harass one another, either.

We are down to only one Common Nighthawk and two Bobwhite Quail. The two Bobwhites I have observed at the SE and SW corners of our property are nowhere to be seen, heard, or found. The most vocal one is across the street and sings regularly. The second one began calling out at dusk and is west of our next-door neighbors.

הועלה ב-יולי 28, 2017 02:54 לפנה"צ על ידי flyfshrgrl flyfshrgrl


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