More ALA mis-IDs: Ophiusa, Pararguda, Anomis, O. vinaria

The "Ophiusa disjungens" from Townsville 5 April 2017

is a good example of Ophiusa parcemaculata.

The "Pararguda crenulata" in ALA and repeated in Bowerbird by Grahaem Cocks
from Oct 2104

is not that species but another Pararguda.

This "Anomis" by Clarke

is actually Ophiusa tirhaca.

Oenochroma vinaria by Ian McMillan actually Antictena punctunculus
-- notified ALA 4 Aug and removed by them
O. vinaria by Graema Cocks actually O. pallida
-- notified ALA 4 Aug and removed by them
O. vinaria by Ian Peden actually Idiodes (pellophanes)
-- notified ALA 6 Aug

הועלה ב-יוני 2, 2017 03:14 אחה"צ על ידי vicfazio3 vicfazio3


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