eyekosaeder אוצר.ת

הצטרפ.ה ב:נוב' 1, 2020 פעילות אחרונה: אוק' 25, 2024 iNaturalist


I am a student of biology at Bonn University, interested in the evolution of invertebrates as well as ecology and biodiversity.
I also play the violin, like to draw and paint, and of course love taking photos of and identifying anything alive.

On here–apart from adding a bunch of observations–I identify ladybeetles; I'm mostly active in Europe, but I sometimes look at observations from other places, too.

Years in Review: 2024, 2023, 2022

Endangered Species:

Monitoring how endangered species are and raising awareness are important first steps to protect endangered species.
For that reason I'm going through my local Red Lists at the moment and adding the conservation statuses to the species pages on iNat.
I have also started these (very much WIP) projects:
🟥 Rote Liste – Vom Aussterben Bedroht
🟧 Rote Liste – Stark Gefährdet
🟨 Rote Liste – Gefährdet
🟪 Rote Liste – Vorwarnliste
🟩 Rote Liste – Ungefährdet

If you are interested in helping me with this, or doing the same for your area, feel free to @ or message me. I'd much appreciate any help :)

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