Help us Translate

All iNaturalist translations are crowdsourced via the Crowdin localization platform. If you'd like to help translate our website and mobile apps, sign up for a Crowdin account and check out these projects:

See each project for information about update schedules, how we proofread, and adding new languages, but in general,

  • Ken-ichi updates the iNat Android app and website with new translations at the beginning of each month; Seek & iNat iPhone get updated when Amanda and Alex have time; release of translations onto the website and/or mobile apps may take longer depending on QA/QC checks.
  • We try to designate translators as proofreaders if they have added a bunch of translations and seem to be iNat users in good standing.
  • We will add new target languages on request (get in touch on Crowdin, here on iNat, or in the Forum).
  • Generally once a language is more than 75% translated within a project, we'll make it available to users. Some languages may have mobile translations but not web or Seek translations, or vice versa.

For an introduction to using Crowdin, check out out

Also, huge thanks to Crowdin for allowing free access to their platform for open-source software like ours, and, of course, thanks to everyone who's contributed translations over the years, on Crowdin and Translatewiki. With the exception of some of our early French translations for iNaturalist and initial translations of Seek, all translations have been added by volunteers, and we are eternally grateful for their time and expertise (and patience with our often-imperfect source strings).

Revised on נובמבר 8, 2021 07:46 אחה"צ by cwf_tobi cwf_tobi