The list represents all bird species seen on or from my residential property over the 43-year span I have resided here in the town of Westwood, MA. The property is only about a third of an acre, or 15,000 square feet, but has a beneficial rear woodlot. For 41 winters I have attracted the birds with several simple feeders; 35 species have come to the feeders. A total of 101 species have been recorded on or from my yard (including flyovers). Among the unusual visitors were a Northern Bobwhite, Whip-poor-will, three species of Owls, Wild Turkeys, Common Redpolls, and Evening Grosbeaks. Somewhat amazing to me are the 22 warblers I've seen on this small corner lot--about 60% of the warblers regularly reported in MA. I have a birds image set on my photo site at

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