נובמבר 20, 2009

Tarantulas 2009

It's now mid-November. Even though I saw a 7th tarantula last week, I think it is less and less likely to see a new one now that the "season" is over.

I saw 7 this year, and 5 of them were in Henry W. Coe State Park, where sightings are relatively common.
We saw one in the Pinnacles, and that was expected (although not at 9 am!).
I saw the remaining one in Santa Teresa County Park. I went to this park half a dozen time between mid September and mid October, at dusk, with the kids, hoping to have them see those great spiders. But we never managed to see one. I had to hike by myself, without any intention of seeing a spider, to actually find one. And this find was "eclipsed" by the fact that I just had the chance to admire a coyote from a relatively short distance.

I hope next year I can get the kids to meet those amazing spiders.

הועלה ב-נובמבר 20, 2009 06:05 לפנה"צ על ידי vaudesir vaudesir | 7 תצפיות | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה
