ארכיון יומן של אוקטובר 2022

אוקטובר 2, 2022

Nature Walk 1-Gabriel Valadez

I went and walked around the Houghton Garden area for approximately 45 minutes. I would say that earlier the weather was only mildly cold and only mildly windy and was perfectly acceptable to go for an outdoors stroll. When I was there I was taken aback by how green the area itself was and how many different types of plant life that were present. I was impressed and in awe with the many different types of fungi growing throughout the entirety of the garden and how diverse they were for being in such a small area. It truly is impressive that in such a confined area you can see living examples of species richness in terms of the plant life and the fungi as well. From my observation, I noticed that the Aborted Entoloma was the predominant fungus species in the area because of how reoccurring it was throughout the entirety of my walk. So if I was speaking purely in terms of the fungi this area would have fungi species richness but it would certainly lack species evenness.

הועלה ב-אוקטובר 2, 2022 07:37 אחה"צ על ידי gabriel_valadez gabriel_valadez | 7 תצפיות | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה

אוקטובר 6, 2022

Nature Walk 2 (Fungi)-Gabriel Valadez

I went to the Houghton garden once more because I was so captivated by the sheer beauty of the location and the nature around me. I had to wear a windbreaker today because it was drizzling out and it was a bit chilly, but beyond that it was beautiful out and not very cold. In terms of what I saw there was many different kinds of fungi that all had distinctly different characteristics. It calls to mind biodiversity and how this kind of observation just cannot have a price on it because nature is something that should not be quantitative.

הועלה ב-אוקטובר 6, 2022 02:09 לפנה"צ על ידי gabriel_valadez gabriel_valadez | 5 תצפיות | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה

אוקטובר 20, 2022

Nature Walk 3 (Plants)

I went around the reservoir for my walk today. The weather was brisk and cool but the sun was warm today which made for it to be a pretty nice day out. It was extremely nice to get out and just be able to appreciate the beauty around the area. I observed various types of plants when I went along the walk path and saw the sheer diversity of the life in this area for it all being condensed together. I saw both gymnosperms and angiosperms, as well as Bryophyta in the form of moss. It is amazing to me still how all of these organisms fall under a general classification and yet are still so diverse. I look forward to being able to go home and compare the biodiversity there to that of here.

הועלה ב-אוקטובר 20, 2022 02:48 לפנה"צ על ידי gabriel_valadez gabriel_valadez | 5 תצפיות | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה
