ארכיון יומן של מאי 2018

מאי 25, 2018

Acer macrophyllum Citizen Science Project needs help!

Hi, you observe a lot of Acer macrophyllum and this project could potentially benefit from your help

A friend of mine works for a group that is collecting Acer macrophyllum material to make a DNA database so that illegal logging of A. macrophyllum can be traced. They are hoping to complete sample collection this summer from diverse locations across the western US.

All it takes to be involved is signing up here:

An hour or so online training and then the team can get you collection packages. They are looking to collect samples as widely dispersed across each zone as possible to make their library as diverse as possible, since this should make tracing back illegal harvested material to the harvest site easier.

in the comments I'm going to @ the top 100 Acer macrophyllum observers in hopes that you might participate or can get the word out. Thanks!

הועלה ב-מאי 25, 2018 03:55 אחה"צ על ידי damontighe damontighe | 14 תגובות | הוספת תגובה