ארכיון יומן של אוגוסט 2023

אוגוסט 5, 2023

OdOlympics 2023 Bioblitz! August 19-27!

Join me in this bioblitz project focusing on Odes, aka dragonflies and damselflies! (Order Odonata)
Created and curated by Odonata Central: https://www.odonatacentral.org/odolympics/#/
Read the description and join the iNaturalist project here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/odolympics-august-2023
To find odes, check your local lakes, rivers, and ponds, especially those with a lot of emergent vegetation like rushes and cattails, but also local meadows, fields, ditches, and gardens!

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 5, 2023 02:35 לפנה"צ על ידי chyroptera chyroptera | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה