פברואר 18, 2023

why i love nature

when i was primary 1, i move to a wonderful place ---Sui Lau Tin. at that time, i was a 6 years old kid who loved finding amazing creatures such as insects, spiders, etc. i thought insects and spiders are amazing things at that time. my mum bought me a book called 'A Photographic Guide to Hong Kong Insects' when i was five, this further increase my interest and knowledge in wildlife and nature. i still remembered that i was really eager to find a beetle Sagra femorata which is a very colorful one since primary 2. i even begged my mum to bring me to country park every week ;) however, starting from primary 4, i loss my love in nature because of the heavy school work. i didnt even have time to go out at that priod! on the other hand, i got another interest--- building models. i had totally forgotten my original interest. after about one and a half year, which i was primary 6. it was in spring that time, and i suprisingly saw a Sagra femorata landed on the ground of my garden. after that, i soon got back interest in nature and even get interest in other aspects except insects, like: spiders, birds, dragonflies and butterflies! well, in secondary one, i attended in an activity called HK spider survey held by OWL, i got more interest in spider and also learn the way to id them. soon, at the same year, i start discovering the biodiversity around my home. i start to find much more and more new stuffs! and was eager to get more knowledge of different organisms in HK. so that, i tried to find more information from the internet and i also then started to use inat.
until now, i keep obseving the biodeversity of HK and also Sui Lau Tin and hope to further proof that HK is not just a concrete forest but also a city with rich biodeversity.

הועלה ב-פברואר 18, 2023 02:18 אחה"צ על ידי carlok_1 carlok_1 | 47 תצפיות | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה
