ארכיון יומן של אפריל 2022

אפריל 16, 2022

Systema Dipterorum's Checklist of Chrysopilus (Diptera: Rhagionidae) north of Mexico

Chrysopilus andersoni Leonard, 1930: 131 - USA: Illinois, Indiana,Ohio
Chrysopilus angustifacies Hardy, 1949: 148 - USA: Arizona
Chrysopilus anthracina Bigot, 1887: 105 - USA: WA to CA
Chrysopilus arctiventris James, 1936: 343 - USA: Washington to Wyo., s. to California and New Mexico
Chrysopilus basilaris (Say, 1823: 36) - Michigan toN.H., s. to Texas and Florida,?Guatemala.
Chrysopilus beameri Hardy, 1949: 151 - USA: FL
Chrysopilus connexus Johnson, 1912: 108 - USA: FL
Chrysopilus davisi Johnson, 1912: 4 - USA: NC
Chrysopilus dilatus Cresson, 1919: 177 - USA: CA
Chrysopilus divisus Hardy, 1949: 152 - USA: AZ
Chrysopilus fasciatus (Say, 1823: 37) - New Hampshire to North Carolina
Chrysopilus flavibarbis Adams, 1904: 438 - British Columbia to Manitoba, s. to California and New Mexico, also Mass
/syn. Chrysopilus aldrichi James, 1936
/syn. Chrysopilus cameroni Curran, 1926: 170
Chrysopilus foedus Loew, 1861: 317 - USA: South Dakota to Indiana andKans.
Chrysopilus georgianus Hardy, 1949: 154 - USA: Georgia
Chrysopilus griffithi Johnson, 1897: 119 - USA: Florida
Chrysopilus humilis Loew, 1874: 379 - USA: California, New Mexico, Colorado,?Illinois
Chrysopilus infuscatus Leonard, 1930: 141 - USA: Indiana, Louisiana
Chrysopilus kincaidi Hardy, 1949: 156 - USA: WA
Chrysopilus longipalpis Hardy, 1949: 157 - British Columbia toCalif.
Chrysopilus modestus Loew, 1872: 58 - Nebr.to New York, s. to Texas andVa.
Chrysopilus nudus Cresson, 1919: 176 - USA: CA, WA
Chrysopilus occidentalis Kerr, 2010: 122 - British Columbia and Alberta, s. to n. California & Utah
/syn Chrysopilus lucifer Adams, 1904: 437
Chrysopilus pilosus Leonard, 1930: 152 - Colorado and Nebraska, e. to Ohio andMich.
Chrysopilus proximus (Walker, 1848: 214) - South Dakota to N.S., s. to Florida, ?California,?Nevada
Chrysopilus quadratus (Say, 1823: 35) - British Columbia to Newfoundland, s. to California andFla.
/syn Chrysopilus dispar Wulp, 1867: 143
/syn Chrysopilus flavidus Bigot, 1887: 104
Chrysopilus rotundipennis Loew, 1861: 317 - Massachusetts to Florida andAla.
Chrysopilus testaceipes Bigot, 1887: 105 - British Columbia and Alberta to s. California and New Mexico
/syn. Chrysopilus bellus Adams, 1904: 438
Chrysopilus thoracicus (Fabricius, 1805: 70) - Illinois to Ontario andN.C.
Chrysopilus tomentosus Bigot, 1887: 104 - Washington to s. California andColo.
Chrysopilus velutinus Loew, 1861: 316 - Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina,Florida
Chrysopilus xanthopus Hardy, 1949: 163 - Arizona, New Mexico,Texas

הועלה ב-אפריל 16, 2022 05:43 לפנה"צ על ידי aispinsects aispinsects | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה

אפריל 29, 2022

Brief synopsis on some keys to Phoridae in the New World, possibly incl. key to genera of Phoridae North of Mexico in the future

The Manual of Nearctic Diptera's key to genera is outdated. Additionally, a whole addendum/corrigendum to the key published by Dr. Brian Brown was published in 1988 that went overlooked by online sources (no page for the reference exists on BugGuide, it seems, yet). I have added this and other important literature for the Nearctic fauna to the Phoridae family page on BugGuide. The key in Manual Central America includes most of the genera north of Mexico, except as follows (species if only one species occuring in our area) based on the world catalogue on Phorid.net (ranges based on Systema Dipterorum):

  • Aenigmatias
  • Beckerina
  • Chaetopleurophora (but that publication includes Chaetocnemistoptera, which was and is often treated as part of Chaetopleurophora) (EDIT: Dr. Brown has commented, saying they are both separate genera, so Chaetopleurophora remains amiss)
  • Hirotophora multiseriata - Nebraska to Massachusetts, s. to New Mexico, Mississippi andV
  • Hypocera
  • Mallochphora orphnephiloides - Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee
  • Microselia texana - Arizona,Texas
  • Spiniphora
  • Stenophorina petiolata - Michigan, Tennessee
  • Trucidophora camponoti - Canada (Alberta to Ontario) s. to USA (California)
  • Veruanus boreotis - Michigan

The genera with multiple species in the region seen here is Aenigmatias, Beckerina, Hypocera, and Spiniphora.

EDIT: Dr. Brown has commented, saying Crinophleba is a junior synonym of Burmophora.

Brown, B. V. 1988. Additions to the phorid chapter in the “MANUAL OF NEARCTIC DIPTERA, VOLUME 2” (Diptera: Phoridae). The Canadian Entomologist, 120(04), 307–322.

הועלה ב-אפריל 29, 2022 09:58 אחה"צ על ידי aispinsects aispinsects | 3 תגובות | הוספת תגובה