85.DOS Website logo Derbyshire Ornithological Society

DOS Website logo Derbyshire Ornithological Society

Our next Indoor Meeting via zoom will be 26th Feb 2020 at 730pm. Keith Offord will present a fabulous talk on Magical Merlins. Everyone is welcome (not just members), it's free

Friday 26 February 2021 Keith Offord - "Magical Merlins"
Monday 12 April 2021 Mark Cocker - "The Oldest Lake in Europe - the birds and wildlife of Lake Prespa"
Saturday 6 March 2021 Mark Sisson - "From Alaska to Argentina - Wildlife Through the Americas"

Friends Meeting House, Bakewell

COVID-19 measures
All indoor meetings organised by the DOS will be held online via Zoom until further notice. For any joint meetings not held online you must comply with current government COVID-19 advice e.g. stay 6ft from other people, wash your hands, use hand sanitiser and wear face coverings. For Field Trips attendees will be placed in a team of up to five with one leader. A maximum of two teams will be allowed per trip i.e. ten attendess and two leaders. You must obey all current government COVID-19 guidelines. Please bring hand sanitiser and face covering with you.

We are introducing a booking system for all meetings and trips to get advance warning of the number of attendees. We will be using Eventbrite and you will see a booking registration link under each event

How the Eventbrite Booking System works: Eventbrite is an online booking system. Register for a meeting and/or trip and you will receive an email confirmation with a red box marked "Clain Your Order", click the red box and you will be asked to create a password within Eventbrite (or enter it if you have one). You will then be taken to the Eventbrite page. For meetings held on line there will be a link on the right for you to click to go to the online event page. When you do this you will be invited to click the Zoom Meeting link to enter the meeting (do this within 5 minutes of the start time on the day). Eventbrite will send you a reminder email closer to the meeting

Zoom protocol: if you do not have a Zoom account, or never used it before, you will be asked to download the app to your system - do this. When you enter the meeting please do so with your camera on (of you have one) and microphone muted. The chairman will then tell you what to do. One of the the things is to click on an ask a question button which the chairman will see and invite you to turn on your microphone to ask it

Changes will be avoided if at all possible, but please note that the committee reserves the right to change the programmes due to unforeseen circumstances

DISCLAIMER: In attending any of our events you acknowledge that certain risks of injury are inherent in Field Trips. These types of injuries may be minor or serious and may result from your actions, or the actions or inaction of others, or a combination of both. You understand that Field Trips are designed for the safety and protection of the participants and hereby undertake to use care and watch out for yourself and others. You understand that a level of fitness and health (physical, mental and emotional) is required and that each person has a different capacity for participation

  1. DOS Derbyshire Ornithological Society


de vogels en de paddestoelen worden opnieuw in training genomen. doorlooptijd 2 weken
als die klaar zijn worden de 1000 most common species geanalyseerd. Doorloop tijd 1 week.
Dan zouden we over drie weken een nieuw model moeten hebben waarin de Grutto en de Krakeend weer goed moeten werken.
Wat daarna nog door ons getest gaat worden

הועלה ב-פברואר 7, 2021 08:58 אחה"צ על ידי ahospers ahospers




Lezing over korstmossen
Wat zijn korstmossen? Waar komen ze voor? Laurens Sparrius (BLWG) vertelt hoe het zit.

פורסם על-ידי ahospers לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

הוספת תגובה

כניסה או הרשמה להוספת הערות