Scrambling shrub. Probably a vinescrub species. Thinking it looks a bit like Volkameria inermis (Clerodendrum inerme) ?
Uncommon here. Leaves with hairy domatia in vein angles underneath.
A spinifex (Triodia marginata) 19.7 km east of Jericho, Queensland, Australia. Photographed on 20 July 1975.
In Eucalyptus terminalis/Acacia shirleyii woodland on sandstone. Large, wiry, tufted grass to 1m. Flowering culms very sticky.
Voucher: A.D. Chapman 1261 (CBG 9212203 and CANB 364080 - identified by M. Lazarides in 1996 as Triodia marginata and BRI AQ0479858 identified as Triodia pungens).
Digitised from a slide. The original slide, which is of higher quality, is held.