It was found along the upper section of the East Trail descending towards Russian Gulch Creek; probably a five-minute walk from the north boundary trail connection. Redwood habitat but fairly dry currently. I've tried to guesstimate the coordinates here: 39.334089, -123.760694. The iphone coordinates place it too near the creek I think.
There were three growths present on the uphill-side of the trail. Only one was growing with the wooly chanterelle.
I am an avid mushroom forager, so one of my coworkers brought this specimen into work to ask me what it was that his dog had been digging up in his backyard in South Lake Tahoe.
I brought it home and found that it wasn't in any of my ID books so I posted online on a Facebook group to see if anyone knew what it was.
The following day, while I was at work, I saw that several people thought it was Lactarius rubriviridus, a rare species. I called my girlfriend to tell her, and she told me that our dog had taken it off of the counter and chewed it into pieces.
So, it was both discovered and destroyed by dogs.
My coworker told me that his dog digs them up all the time, but since then he has brought about 10 specimens to me, none of which have been rubriviridus.
I have what is left of the specimen dried in a ziplock bag, but it's a very small amount.
Note: The location on inaturalist is the correct general neighborhood but not precise. The property owner doesn't want the location online. He is continuing to bring me samples, maybe his dog will find another one.