Blacklighting Report

We had a great trip Saturday! We arrived about an hour before sunset to take some photos in daylight and set up the insect lights. This time, we brought a double 4-foot fluorescent fixture fitted with two blacklight bulbs, and a 175W metal halide bulb on a tripod. As usual, the first hour was relatively quite, with only a few small flies.

Around 9pm, and continuing through 11pm, things got crazy. We saw not one, but two Luna moths, a good half-dozen imperial moths, a handful of sphinx moths of several different species, and hundreds of smaller moths. In addition we found a fiery searcher beetle, stick insects, a bunch of toads and treefrogs, and the biggest katydid I have ever seen in my life!

Around 11:30, as we were packing up the sheets to head home, we got one last surprise: a friendly little black swampsnake crawling across the road. He was nice enough to pose for some photos before happily burrowing back into the sand.

We hope to see everyone at the next excursion, to be announced soon!
Let me know if there is anything in particular you would like to do.

(Thanks Nils for the wonderful photos)

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 13, 2018 05:44 אחה"צ על ידי durieudm durieudm


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