Happy Earth Day!

Hello State Parks NatureFinder Project members!

Your observations are making this project a huge success and we are thrilled with the diversity of observations we have been receiving! As Colorado continues to embrace the start of spring we just wanted to remind everyone just how important your observations are this time of year.

Spring is the time of year when everything begins to wake up from their winter slumber: wildflowers begin to bloom, birds return from their southern journey, and ​a new generation of wildlife sees the world for the first time. ​ ​Please be extra diligent this time of year to not disturb​ wildlife and continue to follow ethical wildlife viewing guidelines.

Your observations this spring will help everyone better understand ​these amazing places​! Thanks for all of your hard work!

The Resource Stewardship Team

הועלה ב-אפריל 22, 2016 04:19 אחה"צ על ידי coparksandwildlife coparksandwildlife


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