City Nature Challenge 2020: Australia

The four Australian cities participating in the City Nature Challenge 2020 cover only a tiny section of Australia. People in states, cities and regional areas outside these cities can still contribute observations to iNaturalist but not to the challenge unless they travel to make observations within the participating city area. In the current climate, this is not possible.

With the refocusing of the City Nature Challenge this year toward collaboration instead of competition, the organisers of the Australian cities have put together the "City Nature Challenge 2020: Australia" project. This project encompasses the whole of Australia. Anyone, anywhere in Australia that uploads an observation or provides an ID during the challenge period will be participating in this nationwide Backyard Bioblitz.

So sign up to the project to show your support, have your cameras and identification resources ready and let's see how many species around Australia we can record from the 24th to 27th April.

הועלה ב-אפריל 12, 2020 02:57 לפנה"צ על ידי cobaltducks cobaltducks


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