Ecoflora Conference Registration Ends Today!

Hello EcoFlora Project participants and interested parties!

Today is the last day to register for the Sarasota Manatee EcoFlora Conference! There will be a free lunch, behind the scenes garden tours, talks by botanists, park managers, and professional educators, and ways we will keep supporting local conservation into the future in Sarasota and Manatee Counties!

One of our ongoing projects is the epiphytes of the United States and Canada which focuses on plants that grow on other plants such as this Tillandsia paucifolia or Potbelly Airplant in Palm Beach County. We focus on our local plants but support research worldwide through the herbarium and iNaturalist!

הועלה ב-מאי 22, 2023 04:02 אחה"צ על ידי sean_patton sean_patton


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