Welcome to the San Dieguito Citizen Science Biodiversity Project!

The San Dieguito River Watershed is one of our region’s most diverse and unique watershed areas. The watershed supports a variety of wildlife, includes large areas of open space/undeveloped lands, and supports numerous beneficial uses including recreational trails, agricultural lands, water supply reservoirs, Native American lands, historical cultural resources, and threatened and endangered species.

According to the 2006 San Dieguito Watershed Management Plan, the watershed supports at least 77 sensitive wildlife species (15 of which are threatened or endangered) and 54 sensitive plant species (6 of which are threatened or endangered). However, it is likely that more sensitive species actually occur than reported due to limited biological studies in many areas of the watershed. Additionally, these species are threatened by human disturbance, fire, and non-native species.

That’s why we need you! This project, as well as the larger San Dieguito Citizen Science Monitoring Program, seeks to collect information on the existing biological resources within the San Dieguito River Park Focused Planning Area (FPA). Your observation data, combined with our site-specific citizen science surveys, will provide us valuable data to help us monitor and manage the biodiversity of the River Park in the long-term.

For more information about our Citizen Science Program, to explore results, or to learn more about how you can be a Citizen Scientist, please visit our website: http://sdrvc.org/sdrvc1_citizenscience1.html. Also, you can learn about all of our upcoming citizen science events on our SDRVC website, Facebook page, and Meetup Group – San Dieguito River Valley Explorers!

-Jess Norton
Conservation Manager
San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy

הועלה ב-נובמבר 25, 2015 10:47 אחה"צ על ידי sdrvc sdrvc


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