2022 City Nature Challenge

Get ready! The 2022 City Nature Challenge is coming up soon. The observation period begins April 29 and ends at the end of the day on May 2, 2022. San Diego needs your help to show the world our incredible biodiversity and our great community of naturalists!

How many observations will you contribute this year? Aim high! Last year @smfang contributed 442 plant observations during the CNC. Jon Rebman observed the most species at 372 species. We all have our work cut out for us to top those two!

To get ready, you can watch Jon's presentation: "A Curator's Guide to iNaturalist" .
You'll also find resources and other information at the San Diego Natural History Museum's website .

הועלה ב-אפריל 5, 2022 02:35 לפנה"צ על ידי milliebasden milliebasden


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