
Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Reptilia Squamata Sauria Agamidae Agama Agama hartmanni

Taxonomic notes: Wermuth (1967) considered Agama cornii, known from a single specimen with the type locality Om Ager (in Eritrea) a doubtful species. Moody (1980) formally synonymized A. cornii within A. hartmanni, however, this work was an unpublished doctoral thesis and no justification was presented for this decision (Wagner and Bauer 2011). This revision was followed by Largen and Spawls (2010) who indicated that A. cornii was an invalid name. Wagner and Bauer (2011) investigated the taxonomy of poorly-known species of Agama from the Horn of Africa, and found that the sole specimen of A. cornii is identical to the types of A. hartmanni, confirming that A. cornii is a junior synonym of A. hartmanni.


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Geographic Range

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Very common in central/E Sudan in the area between Wad Madani and Metema (on the border with Ethiopia). Also goes a bit north from there, at least close to Kassala.

Details on records can be provided upon request.

We could not find the species in the area of the type locality (Dongola), whereas its presence cannot be excluded given it is located in the Nile valley and southern species could migrate along the more humid riverbanks. More research is needed here. Maybe the original description also confused the address of a potential specimen shipment from Dongola (which is a fairly large town, also historically, with a trading post etc.) with the original collection locality.

פורסם על-ידי johannesmueller לפני כמעט 11 שנים
הוספת תגובה


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We never found A. hartmanni in desert habitats. The species rather seems to occur in fairly well vegetated savannas/woodlands with a long dry season. The species seems to be solitary.

פורסם על-ידי johannesmueller לפני כמעט 11 שנים
הוספת תגובה


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In E Sudan the species seems to be fairly abundant and can be frequently recorded. For example, it can be easily found on roads shortly before sunset.

פורסם על-ידי johannesmueller לפני כמעט 11 שנים
הוספת תגובה

Use Trade

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The species seems do to well also in populated areas with agriculture etc.

פורסם על-ידי johannesmueller לפני כמעט 11 שנים
הוספת תגובה

Specific Threats


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    Conservation Actions

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    Specific Actions


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      Red List Rationale

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      Least Concern

      פורסם על-ידי phwagner לפני בערך 11 שנים


      פורסם על-ידי johannesmueller לפני כמעט 11 שנים
      הוספת תגובה


      • (no citation available)


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      הטבעת הערכה זו

      העתק והדבק קוד זה על מנת להטמיע הערכה זו בדף אינטרנט אחר.

      הערה: באפשרותך לשנות את תכונת ה'גובה' כדי להתאים למקום הפנוי בעמוד האינטרנט שלך.