March 6, 2019 (Wednesday) 9:45 am – 11:45 am
I found 70 dead newts on Alma Bridge Rd. this morning between Limekiln Trailhead and gate SA-19. I also found one injured newt on the road. Its injuries were very severe. I don’t think it will survive.
The injured newt I found on Saturday is now dead. It was about 3 inches away from the place I put it in the grass.
Other roadkill: A frog, toad, Jerusalem cricket, and spotted salamander
Coverage: (~66%) Limekiln Trailhead to gate SA-19.
Rainfall: (MTD: 2.46 in; YTD: 21.62 in) It was raining last night and all morning.
Traffic: There were about 20 cars and trucks on the road this morning, including a U-Haul van.
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