No fresh carcasses found

January 23, 2019 (Wednesday)
At last the newts have a reprieve from vehicle-induced death! I didn’t see any fresh carcasses on Alma Bridge Rd. this morning. I photographed 70 decomposing carcasses that were >3 days old (i.e., all orange, yellow, and red color was gone). I’ll have to compare these with previous observations to make sure they haven’t been added to the project yet. Large sections of the road were completely clear of carcasses, as if the road had been swept clean (perhaps by the last heavy rain or heavy winds). There were many carcasses that were in the final stages of decomposition and not worth photographing.

I might not go again this week since we’re not expecting more rain until next week. I’ll go back then.

Coverage: (~40%) St. Joseph’s Hill OSP to Memorial; SCC Water Co. entrance to Soda Springs Rd.

Rainfall: No rain in past two days; 0.12" since I last did a roadkill count. Total rainfall for Jan: 4.67"

Traffic: Unusually busy for a weekday. Many trucks coming and going from the Vulcan Materials quarry. Many people were out walking, jogging, or biking (and drove their cars to get there). Many pickup trucks (rangers, maintenance, private). Some heavy trucks moving fallen rocks off the road.

הועלה ב-ינואר 24, 2019 04:23 לפנה"צ על ידי truthseqr truthseqr


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