North Section - Friday April 21

I walked from 9:40 to 12:15. The weather was warm and sunny-- 61 to 72 F with light winds from the north. It was a nice day to be out.

I saw O live newts, 94 dead newts: 68 on reservoir side, 26 on uphill side. 3 were juveniles (2 on reservoir side, 1 on uphill side), the rest adults.

There were 132 cars, 24 trucks, 12 bicyclists, and 6 pedestrians.

Other roadkill: 3 male fence lizards, a treefrog.

There's still water in the Lime Kiln road seep but I didn't see the egg masses. There's lots of tree frogs there though! They chirp as they jump in the seep. And there's still a lot of pollywogs in the puddle across the road from the Lexington Reservoir Regional Park sign.

הועלה ב-אפריל 22, 2023 04:51 אחה"צ על ידי molly2 molly2


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